The Rho Epsilon Amateur Radio Club was formally founded at Washington State University (then Washington State College) in 1911 by H.V. Carpenter, Homer Dana and Royal Sloan as one of the first university ham radio clubs in the world.
Our goal is to provide Washington State University students with the opportunity to learn and experiment with amateur radio as well as to meet other students interested in amateur radio and share ideas.
We will be having a general meeting on Thursday, May 1st at 5PM PDT in Sloan 150. We will be having officer elections for next year. The club will be presenting the recently deployed Pullman Ham Radio Mesh Network and giving a live demonstration of mesh node deployment and routing.
We will also be voting on proposed changes to the constitution, which will be sent over the mailing list prior to the meeting.
The WSU Amateur Radio Club will be holding a licensing class on February 22nd, 2014 at 10:00 AM in ETRL 101. The class will continue on February 23rd at 10:00 AM, with the exam to follow.
The WSU Amateur Radio Club will be holding a printed circuit board design tutorial on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 6 pm in Sloan 150. This will be a quick, 1-2 hour crash course on how to take a circuit from paper, input that into a CAD tool, then layout a ready-to-order circuit board.
No prior knowledge or skill is required, all majors and years are welcome. You are encouraged to bring a laptop and follow along, but not required. Bring a simple circuit of your own, or use our example.