Local Repeaters & Frequencies of Interest

Pullman-area Repeaters

DescriptionCallsignFrequencyShiftTone (CTCSS)
Kamiak Butte Repeater (KBARA)W7HFI146.740-
Kamiak Butte 6m (KBARA)N7ZUF53.750-1.7Mhz100Hz
Moscow Mtn Tri-State AROWA7HWD146.820-127.3
Pullman repeater & remote baseKC7AUI444.300+103.5
Paradise Ridge (Moscow) TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICEUnknown146.700-103.5
K7EI System, Moscow MtnK7EI444.975+100.0
Lewiston (linked to 6m)K7EI146.92-110.9
Lewiston (linked to 2m)K7EI53.35-1.7Mhz100.0
Spokane ARESW7GBU147.300+100.0
Pullman W7YH D-StarW7YH443.1625+D-Star
Remote Base:
A repeater that has an additional radio on it (normally on a different band) that is controllable by users on the repeater itself. The Pullman remote base has a 2 meter radio, often on 146.52. Users who wish to control the remote base may contact Mark, KC7AUI, for the control codes, or contact w7yh@wsu.edu for assistance.

Packet Frequencies

Kamiak Butte:
145.05: 1200 baud (K7LL-7: PULLMN)
440.125: 9600 baud (K7LL-8: PULL96)
223.460: 1200 baud (K7LL-9) ("backbone" link)
440.125: K7LL-10 Winlink RMS Gateway


North America coordinated frequency: 144.39 MHz @ 1200 baud
Moscow Mtn: W7NGI-11

Stop by and say hello...

If you are visiting Pullman, W7YH monitors the 444.300 UHF repeater (+, PL 103.5), as well as our D-Star repeater. We encourage any visiting hams to try to call for W7YH on the repeater and stop by our shack in EME 207.

Troubleshooting note: If you're having trouble with your radio not keying up the Pullman repeater (this can happen sometime with new radios), make sure that the offset is set to 5Mhz. This comes set standard on many American/Japanese radios, but this isn't always the case.