Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Start: 09/19/2009 07:00
End: 09/20/2009 17:00
UPDATE: We WILL be participating in the Salmon Run! Join the list serve (contact us page) and ask the list for information where. It will NOT be on campus, as we don't have antennas up yet. This is Wasington's QSO Party: A contest where the rest of the US tries to make contact with Washington stations. Awards are given out based on scores, worked all WA counties, etc. As Whitman County is not a very active county in Amateur Radio, this should be a fun, high-demand contest to work! (now, if we only had a functional station....) | 21
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Start: 09/26/2009 10:00
The spokane hamfest is THIS weekend! It will be held at University High School in Spokane, and there's a lot going on. For more info, see: (bottom-left has links to hamfest info). |